Price linked to a basket of currencies, and is regulated by a specifically for this purpose designed mathematic formula. This algorithm secures the stability of Stabilcoin taking into consideration variation on the currency markets which avoids turbulence and unforeseen currency losses.
Is the relation between issued tokens versus world GDP.
Orientation mainly towards unwanted forex losses related to trade operations in various currencies.
Main part of operational profit will be allocated to quarterly indexation due to inflation, which makes Stabilcoin a perfect instrument for securing deposits.
Governments, banks and big corporations may purchase tokens or receive amount for utilization against allocation of proper pledge or obligation.
Free and independent float.
Operations are parallelly done using leading blockchains. This further secures the operation of unfriendly actions, hacker attacks and the like. Also it enhances sustainability and allows any operation to be carried out without losses.
A new way to the
future of finance.
The amount of tokens is sufficient to exclude the possibility of manipulation by possession of a certain critical mass.